Saturday, May 30, 2009

kissing cousins

ryder (10 months) & sydney (5 1/2 months)

girls' trip

laying out
cousin ryder

relaxing by the pool with a cold beverage
on a walk

I headed down to Saint George with some of my favorite people (Jenny, Mieka, & Natalie) for a much needed girls' trip.  Jenny and I drove down together with Sydney and Ryder.  Sydney screamed her head off from Provo to Payson (because I forgot her pacifier).  We ended up stopping at a grocery store to get her one.  After that, it was smooth sailing.  Sydney was fascinated by the "big kids."  She was completely entertained just watching Gage (5), Eden (4 in June), Dane (20 months), and Ryder (10 months).  We had so much fun relaxing by the pool, playing with our babies, taking walks around a pond by the house, eating junk food, and watching movies. Thanks ladies, for a great time!  

Sunday, May 24, 2009

aunt jemima

I'm late blogging about a quick trip we made to Vegas at the end of March.  Jared had to go for business, so Sydney and I came along to keep him company.  We love to hang out at a hotel pool, order calorie-laden food like burgers and fries, and play with our little water bug.  It was really hard to leave the 85 degree Vegas weather and head back to a snow storm, literally, a snow storm in Provo.    

poolside at the j.w.

Jared had business in Phoenix, so Sydney and I tagged along.  Luckily, we were able to mix a little business with pleasure.  We checked into the Desert Ridge J.W. Marriott and spent Mother's Day weekend relaxing by the pool and eating junk food.  Jared spoiled me with all my favorite magazines, candy, desserts (carrot cake), and a poem from Sydney (and him).  It was really cute.  Sydney had a great time in the pool!  She's such a little water bug!

where the green grass grows...

Thank goodness it's finally warming up!  Sydney and I are having so much fun spending time together outside.  Jared took these pictures of Sydney on the lawn outside the condo.  They were enjoying some quality daddy-daughter time on Jared's 31st birthday.  It's obvious things started off well but didn't end so well.  I just love the colors of summer. It's great to see bright green grass after months and months of snow!

happy girl

Thursday, May 21, 2009

GREAT grandpa reilly

Jared had business in Phoenix, so Sydney and I flew down for a little R&R, and, more importantly, to see my grandpa and Sydney's great grandpa.  We drove down to Tucson, and the four of us spent a lovely evening together.  It was so much fun watching the two of them. Grandpa kept saying, "yeah, she sure is a beauty, like her mother."  We love you grandpa. Come visit us in Utah!      

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

sleeping beauty

I know I'm bias because I'm the mom, but I seriously think 
I have the most beautiful little girl in the whole world.  

growing up

I can't believe it's already time for my little girl to start drinking juice. 
Before I know it I'll be packing juice boxes in her lunches.  

vanilla wafers

Sydney thoroughly enjoys gnawing on vanilla wafers.  It's amazing what a mess one vanilla wafer can make.  It's also amazing that it takes her 20 minutes to finish just one. 

sweet potatoes: round 1

Sydney's first experience with baby food - sweet potatoes.

sweet potatoes: round 2

Things started off well, but, as you can see, 
she got frustrated by the end.  

Friday, May 15, 2009


Sydney was so cute the other day.  She sat/laid on the couch for like 30 minutes just kicking at the pillows and playing with her hands.  She looked like a bored teenager.  It was so funny to me for some reason. She normally won't let me put her down for more than a few minutes at a time, but, in this moment, she was totally content not in my arms and without any toys.  

hands free

Sydney is big enough to play in a saucer and sit in a bumbo chair, which means I can now hurry and make my bed, unload the dishwasher, and throw a load of laundry in the wash at some point during the day.  She gives me about an hour of hands-free time between these two helpful baby items.    

5 month appointment

Technically, this was Sydney's 4 month appointment, but we ended up going out of town, and I was lazy about rescheduling.  She was so happy and unsuspecting in the waiting room.