Sunday, April 26, 2009

lake tahoe

We went to Reno, Nevada for the semi-annual Xocai Gold Fly-in.  Unfortunately, we missed the boat ride around Tahoe, so instead, we ate at a lovely restaurant right on the lake.  There's not doubt this little one is teething...she's such a slobber bug!  

the reader

She's obviously not reading, but I'm still proud-  
She's holding the book all by herself.    


A pair of fun sunglasses we found at Build-A-Bear.

this is for you, mom...

My mom always gives me a hard time about never putting headbands/big bows on my child. So, this is for you, mom.  On our way to church.   


We got these at Build-A-Bear.  
Obviously, they're for a bear, but they look pretty cute on Sydney too.

Friday, April 17, 2009

ready to roll

tummy time...for the birds

Sydney absolutely detests tummy time - as you can see from the photos. According to everything I've read, tummy time is apparently very important because it helps the baby strengthen the muscles necessary to roll over and crawl. Tummy time with Sydney usually lasts only a few minutes because she starts to cry almost immediately. When she was just barely 3 months old, Sydney was on her tummy on the floor and rolled over on her own. I was so proud! So, I flipped her back on her belly, and she did it again. But, it was 6 weeks before she rolled over again. Now, at 4 and 1/2 months, she has finally started rolling over on a consistant basis. I've been a little concerned, so I'm relieved she's officially completed this milestone!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

some"bunny" looks really cute!

I took a million shots of the exact same picture. And, I love them all! I guess that makes me a typical mom. Sydney was so cute I could hardley stand it! She looked like a little Easter egg in her romper. I'm so glad she's mine! :)

P.S. Thanks mom for the adorable socks and shoes! I would have never broken down and bought them. Sydney is so lucky to have a grandma who loves to spoil her!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

newborn pictures

Sydney was only 11 days old in these pictures (I'm a little late in posting them). I just love the naked shots, but they came at a price. The chair, the bed spread, the carpet, and what I was wearing that day all had to be cleaned.

first time in the pool

These are pictures of Sydney's first dip in the pool and hot tub (4 months). She loves the bath, so I wasn't surprised when she loved the pool. Grandma, Uncle Brad, and I had so much fun playing with her in the water! Her first swimsuit is a lovely and modest one-piece her Grandma gave her. But I changed her suit to the more scandalous two-piece (I bought her). ;) As you can see, she's having a little wardrobe malfunction with the tag.

P.S. These aren't the best pictures because I took them with my phone.

sydney's first sucker

Sydney had her first sucker while she was patiently waiting for me to pick out hardware for my kitchen cabinets. It was orange flavored, and needless to say, she loved it! It nearly took the jaws of life to break that grip! She cried when we took it away. It was sad, but really cute at the same time.

central park

Central Park in Ashland, Kentucky (unfortunately not NYC)

expressions i love!