Wednesday, December 16, 2009

everybody out of the way! sydney's walking!
Sydney's walking! Because we clap every time she walks, she now applauds herself. It's really cute. Jared thinks she looks like a zombie or a really drunk person as she stumbles and fumbles to put one foot in front of the other. She took a few steps to Aunt Kylie in November when we were home for Thanksgiving, but she didn't really get going until the night before her birthday. Jared was playing with her upstairs, and, out of nowhere, she decided to walk the entire length of our hallway.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

happy 1st birthday, sydney!

Party at Grandma & Grandpa Sturgills' house

Yes, she had a bath immediately after the party.

I just can't believe it! I can't believe Sydney is already 1! Crazy! Where has the time gone? Where did the seasons go? It's as if someone hit the fastforward button on my life in 2009. These milestones are bitter/sweet. Of course sweet because it's so fun and rewarding to watch her grow and develop. But, also a little bitter because I'm coming to realize just how quickly these years will go. It's in these moments of realization I remind myself to live in the moment and savor every minute!

Thanks to Aunt Kylie and Grandma for throwing Sydney a fabulous pre-birthday bash in Kentucky! As you can see from the pictures, she had so much fun digging into her little cake. All of the gifts were perfect. Sydney is so lucky to have so many people in her life who love her so much!

On her actual birthday, December 7th, I threw Sydney an intimate shindig at the house. I went back and forth trying to decide if I should go all out or keep it simple. I ended up keeping it pretty low key because we had only gotten back from our trip the day before.
Thanks to Grandma & Grandpa Overton, Brad & Aubrey, and Katie & Elliott for sharing in Sydney's special day.

jet setter

A few pics of Sydney on planes. She's been an excellent little traveler - with the exception of our most recent flight to Kentucky. :) In fact, she's been so good that on one of our flights a flight attendant asked to hold her (see photo).

home for the holidays

We went to Kentucky this year for Thanksgiving. There's nothing better than being home for the holidays. And, thankfully, my parent's house still feels like home. Sydney had lots of fun being spoiled by Grandma, Grandpa, and Aunt Kylie! We spent a few days in Gatlinburg, Tennessee before Thanksgiving. It felt just like old times!

Side story: In keeping with the Sturgill Family tradition, we took in the Christmas show at Dixie Stampede - which didn't disappoint. Sydney was mezmorized! Anyway, back to my story. After the opening horse show, the host came out to discuss the "rules." We were on the North side (and we won by the way). The host explained that we needed to hoot and holler and make noise for our team during the competitions. Then he asked the audience, "so, what er ya gunna do when you've got a roll in yur right hand, an ear of corn in yur left, and a chicken thigh stuck in yur gizzard?" The crowd was silent. Before the host could scream "STAMPEDE," my dad, who's seen the show at least a dozen times, beat him to it. He screamed, "STAMPEDE" as loud as he could and began stomping his feet. The host turned and looked my dad's way and said, "it sounds like some of you have been here before."


Sydney was our little lioness for Halloween this year - her first Halloween. I'm sad I didn't get a picture after I painted her nose. Oh well. Jared bought this costume when she was only a few days old because he though her little cry sounded like a lion roar - a very pathetic one! So, he dressed her up and took some video of her crying while wearing the costume. It's pretty cute. I'm sure she'll enjoy watching the video one day. It's crazy to see her almost too big for this costume. I never thought this day would come!