Thursday, April 8, 2010

sick day

Sydney got sick for the first time just this past February. She ran her first fever ever (100.7) - poor thing. For nearly four days all she wanted to do was lay in my arms. It was so sweet but so sad at the same time. After a few days of medication, she started to feel like her busy self again. As a first time mom with a first time sick child, I now understand why mothers go to such great lengths to keep their children from getting sick. Nothing breaks your heart more than to see your little one in pain. Through it all, Sydney was such a trooper. She managed to give me a smile AND a finger point (her signature move) despite being less than 100%.

sesame street junkie

Okay, I hate to admit it, but my daughter is addicted to Sesame Street. Not that there's anything wrong with Sesame Street, it's just that I didn't want her to like TV. I know, what kid doesn't like TV? Well, she loves it, in fact, and her favorite show is Sesame Street. Every time we walk into my bedroom she immediately points at the TV screen and says "Mo" over and over and over again. Mo = Elmo.

I definitely have a love/hate relationship with the TV. I love that it occupies my daughter so I have an opportunity to get things done, but I always feel so guilty after I've let her watch it. If she watches more than 30 minutes a day, I feel like the biggest slacker. What's the happy medium? I know nobody reads my blog but my mom and sister; however, if someone happens to stumble upon this post and has some thoughts on the subject, please don't hesitate to share. :)


So, as I mentioned, I'm really trying to make sure Sydney gets in at least one fun activity a day. I'm actually starting to feel bad for the kid. Most of her day is consumed with running errands with me and trying to play with me while I'm trying to clean or cook or pay bills or whatever. Will life ever slow down?

Here she is playing with finger paints in our laundry room that has yet to be renovated. It's pretty much the only room in the house that she can't hurt. As you can see from the photo, she's creating some exceptionally beautiful artwork.

P.S. Thank you, church nursery, for the snotty nose.

just call her syd...

Actually, no, never call her "Syd." I hate Syd. Love Sydney. But, with the boy t-shirt compliments of Grandma (Mom, did you forget I had a girl?) and no bow, she could pass for a Syd, I suppose.

We've been struggling with things to do as of late. I just can't wait for the weather to turn so we can hit the pool, park, river trail, etc. In my desperate attempt to try to occupy (and teach) my very active 15 month old, I pulled out one of my mom's old tricks - shaving cream on the table. Sydney loved watching the shaving cream go from a thin blue line to a mountain of white fluffy stuff. It was like magic. I proceeded to try and write her name, letters of the alphabet, and numbers in the shaving cream in order to create a "learning experience." It didn't really work. Sydney just wanted to smear her hands, arms, and entire upper body in the shaving cream. So, that's what I let her do for about 10 minutes or so. Then she had a bath.

born to ride

This post is for you, Kylie. Now hopefully, you'll get off my back about blogging for the next few days at least.

We had a snippet of nice weather (for Utah this time of year) a few weeks ago, and Sydney and I took full advantage of it! Sydney loved playing with all of Kate and Jane's "big girl" toys. It was so funny watching Jane and Sydney cruise around in the Barbie Jeep.