Thursday, April 8, 2010

just call her syd...

Actually, no, never call her "Syd." I hate Syd. Love Sydney. But, with the boy t-shirt compliments of Grandma (Mom, did you forget I had a girl?) and no bow, she could pass for a Syd, I suppose.

We've been struggling with things to do as of late. I just can't wait for the weather to turn so we can hit the pool, park, river trail, etc. In my desperate attempt to try to occupy (and teach) my very active 15 month old, I pulled out one of my mom's old tricks - shaving cream on the table. Sydney loved watching the shaving cream go from a thin blue line to a mountain of white fluffy stuff. It was like magic. I proceeded to try and write her name, letters of the alphabet, and numbers in the shaving cream in order to create a "learning experience." It didn't really work. Sydney just wanted to smear her hands, arms, and entire upper body in the shaving cream. So, that's what I let her do for about 10 minutes or so. Then she had a bath.

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