Thursday, April 8, 2010

sick day

Sydney got sick for the first time just this past February. She ran her first fever ever (100.7) - poor thing. For nearly four days all she wanted to do was lay in my arms. It was so sweet but so sad at the same time. After a few days of medication, she started to feel like her busy self again. As a first time mom with a first time sick child, I now understand why mothers go to such great lengths to keep their children from getting sick. Nothing breaks your heart more than to see your little one in pain. Through it all, Sydney was such a trooper. She managed to give me a smile AND a finger point (her signature move) despite being less than 100%.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I can't believe she was that old before getting sick for the first time. Way to go keeping the germs out! I know what you mean, so sad but so sweet at the same time when all she wants is YOU.
